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Our distinguished five day, four night retreat is hospitality for the soul in its purest form. We understand that rarely do people feel seen and listened to at a soul-level. We create the time, space, and atmosphere where you and your spouse can experience a deeper vulnerability where change can happen. 

What sets our retreat apart? We take one couple at a time. You have our full attention, our complete focus.

On retreat, you will experience the equivalent of three months of intensive counseling in five days, with both Joey and Robyn, two professional counselors. Your retreat also includes seven of 12 meals, four nights of accommodations, and special extras, like "date night" and other fun elements that will make your retreat memorable.

Others have described their retreat experience as...

 Transforming | Deep | Renewing | Marriage-saving | Rejuvenating | Hope-Filled


What will yours be? 

22025 Retreat Dates

February 10-14 - Reserved

February 24-28 - Reserved

March 10-14

March 24-28

April 10-14 Reserved

April 28-May 2 - Reserved

May 12-16 Reserved

May 26-30

June 9-13

June 23-27

July 28-Aug 1

August 11-15 Reserved

August 25-29

September 8-12

September 22-26

October 20-24

November 3-7

November 17-21

December 1-5

January 14-18 (Reserved)

February 18-22 elk
March 17-21
April 7-11

April 14-18

May 5-9

May 19-23 
June 2-6

June 16-23 (Reserved)

August 11-15
August 25-29
September 8-12

September 22-26

October 6-10

October 20-24

November 3-7

November 17-21

December 1-5

Ready to 


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I’m starting a Sabbatical soon. Is 10|10 retreat a good fit for me?
    Absolutely! We strongly encourage people to begin their Sabbatical with a 10|10 retreat as a way to reconnect and address some of the neglected places that ministry work has created. We find that when couples invest in their marriage at the front, the rest of the Sabbatical has an opporutnity for more exhale.
  • Why is the San Diego retreat more expensive than the Prescott retreat?
    Simply, there is more overhead cost hosting a retreat in San Diego. While each retreat offers different flavors and options for amenities, the direct, one-on-one counseling and time with Joey and Robyn is the same at either location.
  • What if I don’t really want 10-12 hours of intense counseling, but simply some check-in conversation and a lot of rest?"
    Perfect. Not everyone is coming for the same reasons, so we intentionally keep our structure open. We’ll create the space for your soul to rest and reconnect, and we’ll stay out of your way as much or as little as you like.
  • Will there be other couples on the retreat?
    No. This is all about you and your spouse. Confidential and anonymous.
  • What actually does 10|10 refer to?
    In the New Testament, in John 10:10, Jesus said there’s “a thief that comes only to kill, steal, and destroy, but I have come that they might have true, abundant life.” This is a good summary of things….there is a true fight for our lives. Some of us are resisting direct hits on our marriages or ministries, and others are slowly drifting and decaying without really knowing it. Either way, a true, meaningful life takes a lot of effort, and we must take time for our souls to rest and replenish so we can keep going well.
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